Quick, easy, and efficient price comparison across multiple BMW parts vendors.

Alternate download methods and information

I've had requests to make the pricing tool available for download in other formats, in order for some to download on different internet connections/workplace policies.

If the links on the homepage don't work for you, please take a look at the following:

Windows version: Can I download the BMW PNPC tool in a .zip file?

Depending on the computer you're on, there may be an issue with downloading an .exe file directly. Some work connections don't allow it, and there have been a few occasions where anti-virus programs have accidentally flagged downloading the .exe simply by default (if this happens, please let me know, as I routinely submit new versions to anti-virus companies for whitelisting).

If you can't download the .exe, here is the .zip file that seems to have remedied this issue for many users: Download .zip file of v3.1.0 for Windows.

Windows version: Can I download the BMW PNPC tool as a renamed .txt file?

Some people have asked that I rename the .exe file as a .txt file so they can share, e-mail, or download it easier, probably for the same reasons above. If you prefer something other than the .exe or .zip file, below is the renamed .txt file.

You'll need to rename the file extension back to .exe in order to use: Download .txt file of v3.1.0 for Windows.

Mac version: Why is the file size so much larger than the Windows one?

On my connection, it takes about two minutes to download the Mac version (195mb) vs. two seconds for the Windows one (460kb). The reason for the size difference is because I used WineBottler to convert much of the already existing Windows program to Mac. Converting to Mac includes some additional resources for everything to work correctly, which is what adds to the file size.

If there is another download method you would prefer, please let me know, and I'd be happy to make it available. Thanks!

Opening the .zip file on Windows and Mac

On Windows, you can right-click and hit “extract” on the .zip file. On Mac, it should do this automatically if you double-click on it.

Note: Since Mountain Lion, Mac defaults to preventing applications from being launched if they’re not from the Mac App Store. This is probably well-known to someone who uses a Mac on a daily basis, but for someone like me who doesn’t have much experience, it took me longer than I care to admit to right-click the app and choose “open,” as opposed to double-clicking like I’m used to.

I'm currently working on editing this section a bit more, but wanted to get some links and additional info out there in case it helped anyone in the meantime.

© SilberVogel 2013-2015